Yesterday was the first day of spring. I like spring. Which is, I suppose, nothing unusual. Everybody likes spring. What with the daffodils and tulips and morning dew and Easter Creme Eggs (sorry, Cadbury Creme Eggs) and bunnies and all. But I don’t get completely blown over by spring. I’m not really a bunny person,…

Still Life with Developmental Toys 10 things I learned this weekend: 1) Martini shakers, when filled with ice, vodka and a whisper of dry Vermouth, make awesome rattles. Cocktail hour can be fun for all ages! 2) One very, very dry vodka martini (shaken, with an olive) is the precise amount of alcohol required for…

I started this blog for the usual reasons: maintain a record of the Wonder Years with WonderBaby, share that record with farflung friends and family, keep up with the practice of writing (which, yes, could be done by finishing the last two chapters of my doctoral dissertation but whatever), etc, etc. But it also became…

UrbanMommy’s trial by pregnancy is over: UrbanBaby arrived yesterday! And WonderBaby, Future Ruler of the Known and Unknown Universe would like a word… Dear UrbanBaby, Welcome to the world. It’s a good world. It’s not as comfortable as the world that you just left, but I think that you’ll like this one better. It’s a…

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