Me at my first BlogHer conference, in 2006. Yes, those are pasties. And a fake tattoo. Both of which make one look way more confident than one feels. (Which, yes: I am far less confident, far less outgoing, than I look. Please to remember this if you meet me this weekend…)

In two days, I’m traveling to Chicago for BlogHer. BlogHer is like Comic-Con, except with more women and babies and far fewer Trekkies. It vibrates at about the same geek frequency, though, which is something that too many people forget, I think. It’s a conference for women who write and socialize and make their livings…

I kinda thought that debates about the reality and severity of post-partum depression were settled well before Tom Cruise made an ass of himself prattling on about exercise and vitamins, but apparently not. Time Magazine published an article last week that questions the seriousness of post-partum depression and questions the utility and good of the…

My grandparents, on a road trip in British Columbia in the early 1940’s. I’d like to think that I retraced some of their steps the other week. But even if I didn’t, the BC portion of my trip is still dedicated to their memory. *kissestoheaven* (Wow, I really just can’t get the hang of this…

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