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Their Bad Mother
Their Bad Mother
Communist Dictatorship: Sweet!
Catherine Connors
Clearly, Maoist babies are breastfed.
The Attack Of The Fifty-Foot Baby
Catherine Connors
WonderBaby, Future Ruler of the Known and Unknown Universe has grown. . Doesn’t even fit in the picture… And as she has grown in size, so has she grown in strength, and with the increase in strength has come an intensification of Will to Power. Baby’s every movement has become an affirmation and assertion of…
Coming Attractions
Catherine Connors
Coming soon to a blog near you!
Blog-Bashing Spelling Fascist Meanie Trolls: Turn Back Now
Catherine Connors
So… This may mean absolutely nothing to many of you out there in the blogosphere, but Rebecca Eckler has a mommy blog. (FYI this post is not about Rebecca Eckler. There’s a segue coming. Bear with me.) (Oh, and if this post is too long and preachy for you? Just skip to the baby pictures.…
Incoherent Oscar Rambling, Just Because
Catherine Connors
1. Michelle Williams. Okay, so we all know about how Heidi Klum was strutting her Victoria’s Secret behind mere minutes after giving birth, but she’s not of this planet. Michelle Williams, on the other hand? Not from Planet Vicki’s, gave birth 4 months ago and she still turns up at the Oscars looking like a…
My Girl
Catherine Connors
Before Baby was born, I was more or less indifferent as to whether I would have a boy or a girl. The things that I was wishing for in a child – beyond good health – were pretty gender-neutral: keen mind, lively imagination, free spirit, that sort of thing. That said, being a girl myself,…
Getting Back To Business
Catherine Connors
A random sampling of current events chez Baby… The Good News: 1) Mommy’s first foray back into her pre-mommy world was, despite the anticipatory angst, just fine. Felt GOOD, in fact. (The post-labour holes in the brain are not so big that whole books have fallen through! Mommy retains her intelligence! Can speak whole sentences!…
Mommy Steps, Baby Steps
Catherine Connors
Today, I take my first hesitant steps back out into the non-mommy world. They are really little steps, because it’s only a few hours a week, and it’s very short-term. But still. I. Am. Stressed. I’m going to complete the lectures for an undergraduate course that I was supposed to begin teaching in January but…
The Amazing Race, Babies And Cats Edition
Catherine Connors
(There has been much activity here at Baby Headquarters, and so much to report on: swaddle busts! parties! cat chases! One hardly knows where to begin. But since we have to portion out stories this week – Mommy returns tomorrow, temporarily, to lecturing, for the first time since Baby took over rule of the household…
May The (Dolly) Force Be With You
Catherine Connors
Over at the Blogfathers’ site, there’s been some discussion about the evil that lurks at Toys’R’Us. But really, hello? The Death Star of toy stores? It’s ALL evil. And we’re ALL, at one time or another, sucked into its Tractor Beam. Who among us hasn’t flirted with the Dark Side, having been exposed to a)…
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