Let me introduce you to something my dad taught me a long time ago. They are three letters that explain part of what I’m doing here, YBH: “Yes, but how?”
Too many times in our Christian circles we hear sermons or read books that resonate with us, but don’t produce change within us. There is a lot of good information, but not enough practical application. When I encounter these situations I mark them down as YBH. There shouldn’t be many situations that should leave you with YBH, but sadly there are.
This is why what lies ahead in these posts is not just a pat on the back to help you feel better for a few weeks. What I hope you find within are words that will challenge the way you think about life, alert you to the highest calling, and initiate a hunger inside you to pursue encounters with Christ Jesus. You may be marking this as YBH now, but if you stick with this, you won’t when you are finished.