I will do anything short of sinning to reach people for Christ. So next week I’m going to shave my legs.
Let me explain.
Each Wednesday I have the awesome privilege to hang out with 60 amazing teens and tweens. The night requires spending 3 hours on a van route, but it is completely worth it. I didn’t think that in the beginning though. There was this selfish part of me that was saying, “Three hours in a van with Jr. High students? No thanks.”
But then I realized something. When you spend that much time in a vehicle with a student, you really get know them. I have had some life changing conversations while driving that van, for me and the student. I think in part that’s what Jesus meant when he said that when I lose my life for his sake, I find it.
So next Wednesday if my students bring 100 to hang out with us, I will have to shave my legs. (Also, my sister won’t shave her legs for a month, haha).
That may seem gimmicky, but lets think about this. I truly believe that meeting Jesus Christ is the single most important thing a person could do in their lifetime. If a student hangs out with us on Wednesday then he or she will hear the good news about Jesus. So why not drive a van or shave my legs to get students to come?
Jesus took the religious box of his day and completely opened it up. Sometimes we need to get out of our boxes to actually do something for Christ. Sometimes thats something dumb or something very time consuming. Other times that is something powerful that completely changes someones life.
What about you? What have you done outside the box to reach people?