In a world with no freewill, my blog might say this:

[We know someone loves us if they are completely obedient to us, like our kids. If they do 100% of what we say, then they 100% love us. But if they only do 83% of what we say, then they don’t love us because love is all or nothing, right?

The same is true with spouses. In fact I know a guy who didn’t ask his wife to marry him, he told her. And she didn’t say “yes”, because that would imply choice and she didn’t even want to give a hint of being able to choose disobedience, so she said, “When’s the date?” True love again.]

No? Really? I thought you might say that.

Love without choice is absurd. Actually, it’s not love, it’s slavery. When God created man, he did a very unique thing, he gave us a choice to serve him or to not serve him. He put a tree in the garden and said, “Don’t eat this one.” Otherwise we would have had no choice but to serve.  (God also made us very inventive too, which is way awesome.)

And that’s what make obedience so great: we get to choose to do it or not.

With the tenth anniversary of 9/11 on our doorstep, many ask, “Why did God let this happen?” or “Why did a good God create evil?”

But God didn’t create evil. A good God created choice. And some of his creation chose to invent one of the most horrendous evils in our nation’s history.

Over the next few days, I want to explore the question we all ask anytime tragedy strikes, “Where was God?”

What do you choose to think?

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