Think back to elementary school when the teacher would make you copy definitions out of the dictionary or glossary. Remember how frustrating it was when a single word would have something like eighteen definitions. The meaning of the word remained vague, that is until the teacher had mercy on you and would tell you to only copy definition number four.
The problem is that we as people are constantly fighting to figure out what the one definition of our lives should be. We frustrate ourselves looking for the meaning. So we try lots of activity attempting to become someone great. As a result, we are caught up in so many different things that no one area of our lives holds any true significance. This usually leads to burn out on various levels. We hit the other side of the swinging pendulum and sit around lazily doing nothing. We now become that vague word in the dictionary.
This sums up the life of the average person in our culture. We are always somewhere on this pendulum of life, swinging back and forth between good and bad moments in our lives. Feeling valued and later feeling thrown away. Seeing purpose and then seeing none. Trying to be the best and later not caring at all. Pursuing significance and then neglecting it all together. It is the pendulum or, as many call it, the roller coaster of life.
What are some things we can do to keep momentum?