photo used by creative commons licensee: SF à gogoWhen bums come knocking at 2:00 am, it get’s the family talking about other stories.

There was another time when someone came by my aunt and uncle’s house.  This time it was in the morning.  He asked for some money or food.  My uncle sent him away.  Then he felt bad.  Probably because my aunt reminded him of the scripture about “whatever you do for the least of these, you have done for me” – love Jesus.

So he found some cash and granolla bars and went to hunt the guy down.  No luck. Jesus went hungry.

A few hours later another shady looking fella came up asking for help with his car.  He needed a screw driver.  Knowing my aunt was looking on, my uncle sprang into action.  He put “Jesus” in his car, took him to the auto parts store, bought him a fan belt, grabbed his tools, and helped him with his car.  My aunt was proud that my uncle was helping “Jesus”.

Then the shady looking fella asked my uncle for a cigarette.  My uncle doesn’t smoke, but my aunt does.  So he walked back in the house and told my aunt, “Jesus want a cigarette.”

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