So, I came in the house and checked the pile of mail, as I usually do, and there was this magazine: Christian Gifts. Now, I’m all for gift giving with a Christ-centered theme, but something struck me as I thumbed through it:

Christian gifts have changed.

When Christ came in the world, he came lowly, with nothing but his life to give. Actually, that was his gift, giving his life in the brutal torture and death on the cross. Our gift is a 99 cent WWJD bracelet. (Oops, that was sooooo 1990’s)

We give each other shirts with crosses on them; Jesus died on one. In fact, I’ve heard that in the Roman era, if you would have worn that shirt, it would have been offensive to people. Like wearing a shirt with the middle finger up. That’s just what I’ve heard.

The word “Christian” means Christ-like and my grandfather doubts Jesus would have worn a shirt with WWJD? Mostly because he was “J”.  WWID? mabye.

The apostles gave Christian gifts by healing the sick and self-sacrifice. Once I got this cool pen that said “Jesus” right on it! Oh, not the same is it?

In all fairness, I’m not against promoting Christ through any means, be it shirts or pens or bracelets. The problem is this: that is where our Christian gift giving usually stops. So in reality we haven’t actually given a “Christ-like” gift at all.

Here’s my plan for today: put on your bracelet, thrown on your shirt, grab all the Christian apparel you can and head out the door for the day. THEN, give someone a true Christian gift.

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