I see “Begin Again” as an ideal theme for this season. We have the supreme opportunity now in the autumn of our midlife to begin again. How shall we reinvent our Selves? What new programs, projects and passions are on the horizon for us? Please send me your stories of change, transition, and transformation. Our shared experiences serve to inspire and empower us all.
Thanks. xxQueen Mama Donna
You Think You Are Not Enough
By Shiloh Sophia www.shilohsophia.com
You think
You are not enough.
And so that what you do
is never enough.
I think the story
“I am not enough”
is a lie.
And I am wondering
why we,
intelligent lovely brave
souls that we are
would go on
believing a lie?
And so today
is a day for miracles
and the shedding
of old stories
and I am wondering
who is ready to shed
that one?
Or another one?
Ready. Set. Go.
When you are done
with that
you can join me
in inventing a new story.
One where we choose
ourselves right where we
are. Regardless.
And choose to tell the truth
about ourselves to ourselves
and others.
The truth is
we are more wonderful
than we can imagine
and it is nothing short
of a miracle
that we were born.
We have lived long enough
thinking not enough
is a way of being.
It’s not.
A way of being
is to love the fragile
sometimes broken
confused and still
glorious self that
we are. A way
of being is to
re-invent from this moment
a story about who you are
that you love to tell.
Tell yourself the truth
about you.
It is time.
Donna Henes is the author of The Queen of My Self: Stepping into Sovereignty in Midlife. She is the Midlife Midwife™ offering counseling and upbeat, practical and ceremonial guidance for individual women and groups who want to enjoy the fruits of an enriching, influential, purposeful, passionate, and powerful maturity.
Consult the MIDLIFE MIDWIFE™: http://www.donnahenes.net/queen/consult.shtml
The Queen welcomes questions concerning all issues of interest to women in their mature years. Send your inquiries to thequeenofmyself@aol.com.