The entire planet is heating up right now. Global warming is playing havoc with weather patterns, which in turn affects all plant and animal life. Our emotions are fired up and disagreements are reaching a boiling point, as is evidenced by the ever-increasing and escalating geo-religious-political-economic conflicts around the globe.
Time out!
Now is the time to turn our attention to positive solutions and focus our thoughts and actions creating peace. Peace of Mind. Peace of Heart. Peace on Earth. There is a chance for peace.
In this time of environmental urgency, the Thirteen Global Grandmothers have sent a message asking for help in working to heal the wounds of Mother Earth.
We ask you to cast, anchor, and hold the Net of Light steady for the Gulf of
Mexico,” the Grandmothers said. “This crisis is affecting the entire world, and
humanity is asleep. Wake up!” they cried. “Animals are dying, plants are dying, and your Mother is writhing in agony. If you hold the Net of Light steady at this time you will help stave off further catastrophe.
“You have been lulled into a false sleep,” they said, “told that others (B.P.) will take care of this problem. “This is not so,” they said. “And this is not the time for you to fall into oblivion. Determine now to stay awake, and once you have made that commitment, think of, cast, and hold the Net of Light. Hold it deep and hold it wide. Amplify its reach to penetrate the waters of the Gulf and dive deep beneath the crust of Mother Earth. Anchor it at the earth’s core and as you hold it there, ask it to unify with the mineral kingdom of this planet. It will do this and will harmonize with all the solid and liquid mineral states on earth-including oil and gas. The Net of Light will call these minerals back into harmony.
Men have wreaked havoc. They have abused the kingdoms of life on Earth for many years, but this time their destruction has reached crisis proportions.
“Whatever human beings have damaged, human beings must correct,” the Grandmothers said. “This is the law. We repeat: This is the law. You cannot sit back and ask God to fix the mess humanity has created. Each of you must throw your shoulders to the wheel and work.
We are asking for your help. Several years ago we gave you the Net of Light so you would be able to help the earth at times like this. Step forward
now. This is the Net of Light that will hold the earth during the times of change that are upon you,” they said. “First move into your heart and call on us. We will meet you there.
The Net of Light is lit by the jewel of your heart,” they said, “so move into this lighted place within you and open to the Net of which you are a part. Bask in its calming presence. It holds you at the same time that you hold it.
“Now think of magnifying your union with us. We, the Great Council of the
Grandmothers, are with you now, and all those who work with the Net of Light are also with you. There are thousands, even millions now connected in light,” they said.
Along with this union, call forth the power of the sacred places on Earth.
These will amplify the potency of our joint effort. Then call on the sacred beings that have come to prevent the catastrophe that threatens to overwhelm your planet. We will work together,” they said, nodding slowly.
“Think of, cast and magnify the presence of the Net of Light in the Gulf of Mexico. See, imagine or think of it holding the waters, holding the land, the plants, the sea life, and the people. Holding them all!” they said. “The Net of Light is holding them steady; it is returning them to balance. Let the love within your lighted heart keep pouring into the Net of Light and hold, hold, hold.
Calmly and reverently watch as the light from your heart flows along the strands of the Net. It will follow your ommand and continuously move forth. As soon as you think of it, it will happen. We ask you to practice this for only a few minutes at a time, but to repeat it throughout the day and night.
“We promise that this work with the Net of Light will do untold good,” the
Grandmothers said. “We are calling you to service now. You are needed. Do not miss this opportunity. We thank you and bless you.”
To learn more about the Grandmothers and the Net of Light, go to www.grandmothersspeak.com
Donna Henes is the author of The Queen of My Self: Stepping into Sovereignty in Midlife. She offers counseling and upbeat, practical and ceremonial guidance for individual women and groups who want to enjoy the fruits of an enriching, influential, purposeful, passionate, and powerful maturity. Consult the MIDLIFE MIDWIFE™
The Queen welcomes questions concerning all issues of interest to women in their mature years. Send your inquiries to [email protected].