Women have long documented their domestic knowledge and experience by keeping written manuscripts of recipes for food, medicines, inks and cleaning supplies, in order to pass it down through the generations of their families. Martha Washington’s Booke of Cookery is such a hand written manuscript cookbook, which was given to her in 1749 and used…

By Carol Tandava But no matter how much we have learned to suppress, control and deny our expression, rest assured: Each of us has a full complement of these “shunted off ” pieces of unprocessed emotional experience, which can emerge, indeed forcefully erupt, when triggered by experiences that resemble or resonate with the initial experience.…

By Carol Tandava  …continued from yesterday’s post… I read once that any emotion, fully and honestly experienced, will always return to love (i.e. positive emotion). So if something upsets me, I can usually find something in myself — some belief I have about the world, myself, etc. that says, “You will never be happy/have what…

By Carol Tandava “I’ll give you something to cry about!!!” A young mother slaps her crying toddler on a subway; the kid shrieks even louder. In another car, a mom continues chatting with her friend while her own child wails. In both cars, onlookers have a variety of reactions: Horror, impatience, resentment, resignation. In the…

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