The Queen of My Self

I have pretty much always had a current love interest, a paramour, an inamorata of the moment in my life. Ever since elementary school, I have been involved in a series of crushes, flirtations, romances, relationships, and marriages of varying degree of consummation, duration, maturity, intensity, and pleasure. However, I have never before I turned…

By Mary Sharratt The Western world’s first known description of the female orgasm was written by the 12th century abbess and Doctor of the Church, Saint Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179): When a woman is making love with a man, a sense of heat in her brain, which brings forth with it sensual delight, communicates the…

On the surface of the world right now there is war and violence and things seem dark. But calmly and quietly, at the same time, something else is happening underground An inner revolution is taking place and certain individuals are being called to a higher light. It is a silent revolution. From the inside out.…

By Mama Donna Henes  The Queen Heals Her Wounds and Draws Strength From Her Scars I loved the mothering years of my thirties. I did not bear children, but we don’t need to have given birth to be a mother. The archetypal Mother is not only a biological parent, She is a Mother of Invention,…

Crisis? What midlife crisis? How women are seeing it as a rebirth Forty was once the age we died. But middle age has been redefined for many women By Alana Kirk in The Irish Times Middle age is now being redefined by a new generation of women not ready to hang up their high heels or retreat…

Maeve Haran Here is a new Voice of liberation! From the Daily Mail London – For her 60th birthday last October, Theresa May probably splashed out on some more of those nice leopard-skin shoes. For my own 60th, I did something much more earth-shattering. I bought myself a silver sports car. A sporty convertible is…

I have been inundated lately by article, poems and stories about the so-called “Midlife Crisis.” Clearly it is subject very much on the minds of many, many women. Mid Life Crisis: What is it? Is it inevitable? Is it even a real phenomenon? Or is it an invention of the media — that is, corporate…

By Joan Chittister We are a culture of misfits—not because there is anything wrong with us as a people but because we are accustomed to becoming things we aren’t. So, we don’t fit into our own souls. Our schools put out students to fit the economy, for instance, rather than the heart. Good thinkers go…

Regular sex, according to medical research, has the same benefits as regular exercise. It increases the flow of certain chemicals that naturally boost and strengthen the immune system, improves cholesterol levels, stimulates circulation, invigorates the heart, diminishes the intensity of pain especially in migraines and chronic arthritis, reduces PMS symptoms, and releases endorphins which simply…

A truly mature, secure woman accepts the inevitable physical changes that come with the passing of time and incorporates them into the way she presents herself to the world. Self-aware, Self-assured, she transforms her Self as she goes. She glows as she grows into her full potential, and becomes ever more becoming. Her reinvigorated attractiveness…

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