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The Queen of My Self
The Queen of My Self
Julia Ward Howe
Donna Henes
If the name Julia Ward Howe is familiar at all today, it is as the writer of the American anthem “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.” But she was famous in her lifetime as poet, essayist, lecturer, biographer, and social reformer. She worked to end slavery, helped to initiate the women’s movement in many states,…
Lady of the Trees
Donna Henes
The tree, with its roots buried deep in the Earth and its branches reaching upward toward heaven, spread wide to embrace all of eternity, is a prime symbol of maternal life in many cultures. Trees have long been worshipped as beneficent maternal spirits of bounty. Trees, after all, shade and feed us. Supply and sustain…
Be A Queen: Own Your Power And Glory
Donna Henes
Be a queen. Dare to be different. Be a pioneer. Be a leader. Be the kind of woman who in the face of adversity will continue to embrace life and walk fearlessly toward the challenge. Take it on! Be a truth seeker, and rule your domain, whatever it is – your home, your office, your…
Say Something
Donna Henes
It is so damn easy to feel depressed, frustrated and disillusioned right now. In light of the widespread oppression, manipulation, intimidation that surrounds us today, we need to say something. There are signs everywhere in the subways of New York City that say, “If you see something, say something.” We Queens see quite clearly the…
Queen Mother’s Day
Donna Henes
What an extraordinarily exciting and gorgeous time of the year spring is. Life is bursting out all over. Buds, blossoms, and babies everywhere! Is it any wonder that May is the month of the Mother? Mothers are the progenitors of life and the providers of sustenance for the living. In this season of teeming birth…
Sing with the Trees
Donna Henes
by Mary Saracino Author’s note: As part of her Earth Day-Sing for the Trees campaign, Susan Hale invites people from around the world to sing to their special trees to help raise awareness about deforestation. If you listen you can hear the trees singing boababs & kauri sugi & sugar maples their voices rise in harmony…
Spring Gardening
Donna Henes
Being an urban being, I have never had a garden where I grew food. My terrace is devoted exclusively to flowers, food for the soul, for sure, but with the exception of the day lilies they are not edible. My container garden gives me immense pleasure. I love digging in the dirt with my bare…
Spring Cleanliness
Donna Henes
In winter, we spend inordinate amounts of time inside, dwelling, stewing, stagnating in enforced inactivity. When our hibernating energy finally re-awakens in the spring, it is with a pronounced case of morning breath. After the dust, the must, the rust of winter, a thorough spring cleaning is called for. The promise of renewed life…
Mother’s Day Musings
Donna Henes
An unprecedented number — nearly one fourth — of Baby Boom women chose not to bear and raise children. But we were archetypal Mothers, nonetheless. We gave birth to something of our passion — a business, a career, an art form, a political involvement, a spiritual practice — and nurtured it to keep it alive.…
My Turning 60 Spring Cleaning
Donna Henes
By Susan Snapp I decided to clean up my home. I hadn’t been able to do “heavy” cleaning since March 2007 because of injuries so you can imagine how dirty it is/was. I started it all by deciding to install an in-wall medicine cabinet in my bathroom. I already had one, which I was going…
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