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The Queen of My Self
The Queen of My Self
Donna Henes
I am mad. No, that doesn’t begin to describe it. I am pissed. I am angry. I am irate. I am incensed. I am enraged. I am livid. I am FURIOUS. “All men are created equal,” states the Declaration of Independence. From the very beginning, women were denied equality in this country. It has taken…
Saving Mother Earth
Donna Henes
A poem by Mary Saracino Mary Saracino is a novelist, poet and memoir-writer who lives in Denver , Colorado. This compassionate and articulate sister Queen calls herself Queen Mary Immaculata. A single day in April isn’t enough to honor our Mother, save the planet that is her body, restore her ocean womb, revitalize the atrophied…
The Legend of Sta. Procrastinata
Donna Henes
I received this gem via email almost ten years ago. I immediately tracked down the source, obtained permission, and arranged to print it in the next issue of Always in Season, which went out of print in 2006. As it turned out, it was bumped for space and placed into the basket of ideas accumulating…
In the Dark
Donna Henes
Simple as it may seem, when the lights go out, we simply lose our bearings. The density of the dark makes it impossible for us to fix our positions anymore. We find ourselves alone in the universe, untethered and unprepared. The blackness of lightlessness leaves us no internal compass by which to trace or set…
Black and Blue
Donna Henes
Surely the essential quality of winter is its absence of light. And that, so much more than the attendant cold weather, is what so many people dread about it. The long, dark, isolating chill of winter understandably renders many of us susceptible to sadness. Seasonal Affective Disorder is considered to be an affliction, which is…
What Do You Need to Release?
Donna Henes
What do you need to let go of? I asked this question to the many Queens who have joined the Facebook page of The Queen of My Self. What have you already released and what do you still need to part with — mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually? Here are some of their responses: I…
Treading the Turbulent Midlife Waters – PART 2
Donna Henes
The notion that 50 years of age could be considered a “halfway” mark is unprecedented in history. We are blessed with an inestimable gift of many more years of life than anyone who ever lived on Earth before us could ever have imagined. Our future looks bright; it is only the present that seems grim.…
Treading the Turbulent Midlife Waters – PART 1
Donna Henes
Aging and changing might be inevitable, but it ain’t easy. It precipitates in us a great uncertainty. The myriad dramatic disturbances of modern middle life — menopause, health concerns, the empty nest, divorce, death, and career shifts — create an overwhelming crisis of identity and purpose for us. What follows is an intense period of…
Women on the Moon
Donna Henes
There are 68 craters on the Moon with female names. 40 craters bear female names from around the world. 28 are named for actual women who have made contributions to humanity, 27 of whom are scientists and one is called Sappho for the pre christian Greek poet. Akis Greek name Ann Hebrew name Annegrit German…
Conversations with the Goddess
Donna Henes
Here is a book that might interest you: Conversations with the Goddess: Encounter at Petra, Place of Power by Dorothy Atalla. I had been meaning to read it for some time, but you know how that goes. Finally, I had the luxury of uninterrupted time to savor her fascinating travels through time and space to…
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