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The Queen of My Self
The Queen of My Self
Morning ME Time
Donna Henes
Busy, busy, busy Queens are we. As much as I adore my work, I sometimes find it frustrating. Often my to-do list is longer at the end of the day than it was when I started in the morning. I was raised with a gross misconception. I was always told that if I worked hard…
What is Power?
Donna Henes
With the question of power — its uses and abuses — on my mind, I reached out to the Facebook fans of The Queen of My Self to see what power means to other Queens of Themselves. Q. What does power mean to you? A. Power to me is knowing what you stand for and…
Powerful Queen
Donna Henes
After an inevitable midlife transition period of feeling lost, confused and out of control of Her destiny, the Queen finally takes charge. She steps up to the situations of Her life and takes back the reins of Her power. Or not. Becoming a Queen is not automatic, nor is it instantaneous. Unlike dynastic royalty, where…
Are You Ready?
Donna Henes
I am fascinated (obsessed) by women’s relationship to power. It is the subject of my next book. The more I see, the more women I speak to, the more I realize that that relationship is on shaky ground. It is very clear to me that we women must claim, embrace — and most important —…
The Empowered Woman
Donna Henes
by Sonny Carroll The Empowered Woman, she moves through the world with a sense of confidence and grace. Her once reckless spirit now tempered by wisdom. Quietly, yet firmly, she speaks her truth without doubt or hesitation and the life she leads is of her own creation. She now understands what it means to live…
Deciding Times
Donna Henes
It is so damn easy to feel depressed, frustrated and disillusioned right now. These are terrible times of artificial division, manipulated resentment and palpable fear. The real dynamic being played out right now is not about warring religious, economic or nationalistic factions. Not even about war. The struggle is actually between those who believe that…
Women I’ve Never Met
Donna Henes
By Teresa Schreiber Werth I’m praying for women I’ve never met. As I lay down and close my eyes, names tumble into my consciousness Like cottonwood seeds, descending from a quiet, summer sky. Each day I’m touched as the tangled threads of our lives entwine. A daughter of a friend, a mother, a neighbor’s…
Becoming Our Own Role Models
Donna Henes
by Madisyn Taylor There was a time where women stood together in a bond of sisterhood, women supporting women. As women embrace the fullness of who they are as individuals, they may find themselves supporting other women, helping others to reach the level of inner comfort and outer freedom that they themselves have found. Among…
Change It
Donna Henes
I won’t be made useless I won’t be idle with despair —Jewel From “Hands” The media likes to portray peace, environment and human and animal rights protesters as a fringe element of whining malcontents teetering on the margins of proper society. The truth is that those who step forward to speak their mind…
Embody Change
Donna Henes
Some might argue that we don’t have any choice in this upside down dangerous world and that we can’t affect what will happen. But even if we can’t immediately alter the course of human events on the world stage, we can certainly create change in our own lives and in all of the lives that…
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