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The Queen of My Self
The Queen of My Self
Greeting To the Women of My Tribe
Donna Henes
First, a note of thanks for the work you’ve done, bringing the Queen into so many women’s consciousness. It’s such important work! Thank you. I have been pondering the Queen aspect for some time now. I wrote this piece and I’m forwarding it to all the women I know. If you’d like to pass it…
Loving Affirmation of My Self
Donna Henes
I am a divine and beautiful being. I choose to live each moment with appreciation and complete acceptance of my own divinity and beauty. I choose to appreciate and accept the beauty in all beings and the perfect divinity in each moment. I open my heart to the possibility of love and benefit from every…
Self Blessing
Donna Henes
For some fifteen years now, the practice of Self Blessing has been the centerpiece of my personal spiritual practice as well as the many ceremonies and celebrations that I facilitate for others. When people are first introduced to the concept, they are often taken aback and suddenly shy. “Bless myself? Am I qualified? Isn’t that…
Coming Home to Our Self
Donna Henes
Here is a piece by Sister Joan Chittister, the popular Catholic spiritual writer. It landed propitiously in my mailbox whilst I was in the midst of working on these recent posts on the Self. Good timing, Sister Queen! Coming Home to the Self We are a culture of misfits — not because there is…
What Does Being a Queen Mean to You?
Donna Henes
Some time ago, I asked the Queens on my Facebook page what being a Queen meant to them. Q. What does being a Queen mean to you? A. As a little girl I wondered what it would be like to be a Queen, after reading The Queen of My Self I have a much deeper and…
Decide to Take Charge
Donna Henes
You take your life in your own hands, and what happens? A terrible thing: no one to blame. – Erica Jong The story of our lives is ours to create. We can design our own roles and ideals, compose the scripts, and author the sagas of our own futures and that of the environment…
Listen to Your Self
Donna Henes
Today, we see many women in public life, ranging the gamut from Hillary Clinton to Sharon Osborne, who have stepped out of the shadows of their husbands and families to pursue their own ambitions for themselves. Millions of ordinary women face the same challenge in our daily lives, as well. After a couple of decades…
Wise Words for Our Self
Donna Henes
Several of my recent posts have been about the Self, including “What Exactly is the Self?” in which I wrote, “The Self is the sum of all of our parts, and holistically, it is greater than the sum of all of our parts. The fluid Self transcends time and space, expanding and shape-shifting, changing and…
Benefits of Age
Donna Henes
Aging and changing might be inevitable, but they ain’t easy. They precipitate in us a great uncertainty. The myriad dramatic disturbances of modern middle life — menopause, health concerns, career shifts, the empty nest, divorce and death — create an overwhelming crisis of identity and purpose for each of us. What follows is an intense…
Long Live the Queen
Donna Henes
The notion that fifty years of age could be considered a “halfway” mark is unprecedented. For most of human existence, life expectancy hovered at around twenty to thirty years, and it was only by 1800 that folks commonly began to live to be forty. American women now enjoy a mean life expectancy of eighty-four years,…
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