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The Queen of My Self
The Queen of My Self
Coming Home to the Self
Donna Henes
Speaking of Self-Sovereignty, here is a piece by Sister Joan Chittister, the popular Catholic spiritual writer. It landed propitiously in my mailbox whilst I was in the midst of working on these recent posts on the Self. Good timing, Sister Queen! Coming Home to the Self By Sr, Joan Chittister We are a culture…
Sovereignty is Hard!
Donna Henes
Coming from the tough love school of spiritual counseling as I do, I feel that it is only fair to warn you — There are no 10 Easy Steps to Sovereignty. The roads leading to Queendom are diverse and many. The way to Self-esteem can be complicated and long. Each woman must take her own…
Answer Only to Your Self
Donna Henes
I Don’t Really Care What You Think Today, we see many women in public life, ranging the gamut from Hillary Clinton to Sharon Osborne, who have stepped out of the shadows of their husbands and families to pursue their own ambitions for themselves. Millions of ordinary women face the same challenge in our daily lives,…
Auntie Gravity – Part 2
Donna Henes
Auntie Gravity – Part 2 An Antic Cronish Goddess by Barbara Ardinger, Ph.D. “An’ you jus’ start thinkin’ of them lines,” She says, “as your Auntie Gravity’s rainbows, an’ remember all the colors of what you done in your life. An’ where’s that ol’ somewhere over the rainbow? In a land full of midgets, that’s…
A Senior (I Should Be So Brilliant) Moment
Donna Henes
A Senior (I Should Be So Brilliant) Moment This is the Letter of the Year from The Times of London: An elderly lady actually wrote this letter to her bank. The bank manager thought it amusing enough and sent if off to the Times to be published. This newspaper thanks him most sincerely. Dear Sir,…
Auntie Gravity – Part 1
Donna Henes
Auntie Gravity – Part 1 An Antic Cronish Goddess by Barbara Ardinger, Ph.D. Here is a goddess for mid-life. Sisters, do certain parts of your anatomy that used to stand right up and salute, now ignore the flag no matter now vigorously it’s waving? Is “perky” a word whose meaning passed you by a…
Go Light-Footed Through Life
Donna Henes
Go Light-Footed Through Life by Sister Joan Chittister There is a deer in me—made for running, for scampering while the rest of the world around me walks. I am made to find and drink from foreign streams. I am meant to go light-footed through life. So what am I doing in “stability” and “community,” in…
Her Green Pulse
Donna Henes
In honor of the Verna; Equinox, I would .like to offer this beautiful poem: Her Green Pulse by Jo Carson The opening poem from “Dancing With Gaia” Blood of Her veins, the rivers Voice of Her breath, the wind Fire of Her will, erupting volcanoes Green of Her hair, the rolling grass hills Strength of…
My Morning ME time
Donna Henes
Busy, busy, busy Queens are we. As much as I adore my work, I sometimes find it frustrating. Often my to-do list is longer at the end of the day than it was when I started in the morning. I was raised with a gross misconception. I was always told that if I worked hard…
‘Midlife Crisis’ Can Become ‘Midlife Opportunity’
Donna Henes
‘Midlife Crisis’ Can Become ‘Midlife Opportunity’ By Maggie Lamond Simone “What do you want to do with your life?” It’s a question I ask my college students this time of year to help them define their goals, and I’m beginning to realize the silliness of the question. It’s almost like asking people casually at…
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