The Queen of My Self

Her long walk led to a period of concentrated inner questioning about what she, one person, could do in the cause of peace. This midlife meditation culminated in her experiencing a powerful spiritual vision, an undeniable epiphany. She came to understand that it was her destiny to be “a wanderer until mankind has learned the…

I have found my favorite model of the Queen in the life of a remarkable woman known as Peace Pilgrim who devoted almost thirty years of her life to walking and talking for peace. Born Mildred Lisette Norman in 1908 on a small poultry farm in Egg Harbor City, New Jersey. She was the oldest…

In Honor of Martin Luther King, Jr and With Encouragement for President Barak Obama We have been inundated lately on all fronts — economic, political, geophysical, meteorological, astrological, and spiritual — with threats of terror and trauma. These are indeed very scary times. What is at stake is our safety, our peace of mind, our…

  Women’s Movement Is World Wide! Part 2 The Internationalization of Women’s Issues By Luisita Lopez Torregrosa Published: January 8, 2013   Separately, the Women in the World Foundation, which will have its fourth annual conference in New York City in April, announced that a fund-raising appeal in the name of Ms. Yousafzai had collected…

Here is a very hopeful and heartening piece about the strides women are making worldwide. It is long. Look for the second half in my next post.   Women’s Movement Is World Wide! Part 1 The Internationalization of Women’s Issues By Luisita Lopez Torregrosa Published: January 8, 2013 NEW YORK – At the dawn of…

It is so damn easy to feel depressed, frustrated and disillusioned right now. In light of the widespread oppression, manipulation, intimidation that surrounds us today, we need to say something. There are signs everywhere in the subways of New York City that say, “If you see something, say something.” We Queens see quite clearly the…

Here are some words of Self-wisdom by some very wise women: “We have all a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be.” – Jane Austen   “Doubt yourself and you doubt everything you see. Judge yourself and you see judges everywhere. But if you listen to…

  Like the excellent mother, creator, organizer, administrator, mentor you are, be patient with yourself. Change is slow and you are human. Think about your daily habits. Are they healthy? Are they helpful? What improvements might you make in your diet, your exercise program, your work environment, your family life, your friendships, your thought patterns,…

  A new year is a new start and so many of us resolve to make healthy changes in our daily lives. But so often these resolutions are goals having to do with what we know we should do. And soon our best intentions are turned against us, as we flog ourselves for slipping back…

A Vision for Humanity in 2013 By Barbara Marx Hubbard Humanity is facing unprecedented, evolutionary changes. It is amazing—out of the famous Mayan prophecy has come the indication that we are facing the end of this world as we know it and the beginning of the new world by 2012. This date corresponds to environmental…

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