The Queen of My Self

Every Woman Is The Queen of Her Own Heart By Shiloh Sophia McCloud Every woman is the Queen of her own heart. She must decide how to govern her own domain. She seeks friends and allies that honor who she is now and who she is becoming. She has the power to create miracles. Her…

QUEEN REGNANT PRONUNCIATION: (kween REG-nuhnt) MEANING: noun: A queen reigning in her own right, as opposed to one having a royal title by marriage. Also known as queen regent. ETYMOLOGY: From Latin regnare (reign). Ultimately from the Indo-European root reg- (to move in a straight line, to lead or rule) that is also the source…

A life-long lover of the moon, I live in a constant state of lunar awareness and I attend to the process of my life and living in conscious accordance with the cycle of its four phases. It has long troubled me that so many Triple Goddess models leave out one element, direction, season, or moon…

Contrary to the assumptions of many women, the Triple Goddess model is not universal, nor is it really historical. In fact, the so-called ancient paradigm that enjoys so much popularity today is actually not quite as old as I am! The age-related Triple Goddess was first articulated in so many words by Robert Graves, a…

What is an archetype? The literal definition of archetype is “the original pattern or model from which all things of a similar kind are copied or on which they are based; a model or first form; a prototype. Archetype also refers to an ideal example of a category, the quintessence of a class.” In Jungian…

Although I have been passionately devoted to the Many Splendored Goddess in Her complex multiplicity for more than thirty years now, I am not a believer in the Triple Goddess paradigm. It has never resonated with me because it belies what I believe to be the true nature of nature. The Triple Goddess in Her…

Queen Sue Kearny of Oakland, California is the winner of The Queen of My Self book giveaway. Congratulations!   Welcome Queens! Are you in your middle years or about to enter them? Are you living your true potential and following your fondest dreams? If not, why not? And if not now, when? Now is the…

Hail Queens! After writing for Beliefnet for several years, I took a much-needed 6-month leave of absence (which I am sure you noticed!) Thanks so much for checking in while I was gone. In appreciation, I am offering a special thank you gift: I will send a complimentary copy of The Queen of My Self…

Another book that I cannot praise enough is Red-Robed Priestess  by Elizabeth Cunningham, author of the preceding three books in the acclaimed Maeve Chronicles. After a life of passion and adventure that has brought her through slavery to the Resurrection garden, through the controversies of the Early Church to a hermit cave in southern Gaul,…

Winter is a great time to catch up on reading. I have a pile of books by my bed that I want to read, that I intend to read, but am too busy to read. Well, with only 12 days left in winter, I finally made a breakthrough and opened the gorgeous book Goddess on…

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