Can you guess how many sessions it took with my sleep psychologist before I began sleeping through the night after ten years of insomnia? One. And one follow-up visit which was spent with me holding back the urge to bow in reverence at his feet. As I’ve told you, this sleep psychologist put me on a…

During a long, dreary season of chronic insomnia, I also developed TMJ. (I was getting good at this stuff.) So when I was sleeping (which was rare), I was clenching my teeth, contributing to pain which also hampered sleep. But the TMJ ended up to be an unexpected benefit, for therein was the source of…

Stay awake – on purpose – tonight. You might get to see the aurora, the northern lights caused by the largest solar storm to hit our planet’s magnetic field in about 8 years. And, there might be other benefits as well… Read on… It’s hard to believe now, but not long ago insomnia was my…

Do you wish you could just upload yourself to “The Cloud” for a night of restful sleep? Oh, if it could be that easy! I (Jill) was tired for ten long years. All the time for all that time. I recall sitting on the front step of our home with our youngest son. He was about…

If you are reading this in the middle of the night, dear insomniac friend, please shut it down, and read a book instead. Pick it back up in the morning for reasons I (Jill) will explain later. For those of you catching this in the daylight hours, read on. Insomnia is nothing to sneeze–or snooze–at, unless…

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