Matthew 6:9-13

“Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one”

Some things to think about:
The world is can be a scary and dangerous place.  The Bible is clear about this: there are beings about intent on ruining our lives and thwarting our relationship with our Father.  But Jesus here invites us to call upon God to intervene and direct our lives clear of enemy intervention.  Notice here that Jesus does not promise that we will be kept from the fight, simply that we will be delivered through it!

Some things to do:
Paul, in Ephesians 6 outlines the game plan for Christians dealing with enemy assault.  The way God “leads us not into temptation” and “delivers from the evil one” is by providing us with armor for our battle.  This week take time to “put on” this armor as you get dressed in the morning.  It’s a good time to “fit” yourself with the protection God has provided for you.
Belt of truth (holds all the armor in place and protects our loins)
Breastplate of righteousness (guards our heart and conscience)
Shoes of the gospel (prepare us to move with purpose and direction)
Shield of faith (extinguishes the offensive arrows of the enemy)
Helmet of salvation (guards our thoughts)
Sword of the Spirit (our one offensive weapon – the Word of God)

Some things to talk about:
How has the enemy attempted to lead you to distraction?  How have you fought these attacks?  Does God ever tempt us? (see James 1:13).  What part do our own bent desires play in this?   What are some practical ways we can “put on “ and “use” the armor of God?

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