Click here to listen in on our conversation “Rest and the rest will follow!” 

God heals. But we also have to do our part. Click here to listen in on our conversation, “Doing Our Part.” 

Jesus cleans house! Click here to listen to our conversation, “Cleaned Up!” 

Jesus heals – he’s able and willing. Click here to listen in on our conversation “Healing Happens.” 

Often when we pray for healing we add the caveat, “If it is your will.” Click here to listen to our conversation about Jesus healing a leper: It seems he’s always willing… So ask boldly…

Are you SAD? Seasonal Effective Disorder is a real problem for many of us. In winter when the days are short and sunlight is blocked by clouds and the cold keeps us indoors, we may not get enough light and to produce the vitamin D we need. A lack of vitamin D can lead to…

Hungry? Click here to listen to our conversation, “Really, Really Good Food.”

John the Baptist was having a bad day. This followers were bailing on him and running off to follow his cousin, Jesus. The religious leaders were accusing him of causing strife in the nation. And there was a brewing tension with Herod that would lead to his arrest and death. But in in the midst…

Prayer is just half of the equation. A relationship with God, a “friendship” as I’ve been defining it, requires communication. And communication must be two-sided. We talk with God in prayer. God hears. We believe that, or at least hope. That’s why we pray. But in the communication process, does God talk back? Have you…

David is God’s friend. God is David’s friend. This intimate Psalm written three thousand of years ago outlines for us what we can expect from God in this relationship. Prayer is based on the certain facts we know about God. We’re not shooting blindly into the emptiness of heaven! We talk directly and clearly knowing…

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