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The Super Natural Life - prayers for strength, words of wisdom, daily bible reading
The Super Natural Life - prayers for strength, words of wisdom, daily bible reading
Giving Thanks in the Mess.
Messes are bothersome. Especially when they are someone else’s messes that spill over. Literal messes are one thing, but what of other people’s emotional muck that transforms our own lives in negative ways? I get angry when this stuff happens. But Jesus’ words to me quiet and calm my heart. He assures me to rejoice…
John Wesley’s Covenant Prayer
Mark and Jill Herringshaw
John Wesley, along with his brother Charles founded the Methodist Movement in England in the 18th century. Wesley preached open-air sermons and followed up by encouraging his converts to join small groups for prayer, study and moral accountability. Wesley’s “Covenant Prayer” was a key element in his own spiritual discipline and in Methodist discipleship. I…
I See You God: Blinded by the Light
My friend Diana gave me a journal that she named, “I see you God.” It is a specific place to record moments when God seems to pull back the curtain of Heaven and address my world in ways that only He can. Some would think these things coincidental, but others know better. This story found…
Go To The Dump, Old Maid
Last weekend we spent a few days at our neighbor’s cabin in Wisconsin. We fished, played games, and watched a couple old movies like “Back To the Future” with Michael J. Fox. As I was cooking in the rustic kitchen our son, daughter, and son-in-law played a card game that they made up. I called…
A Prayer of Thomas a’ Kempis
Today marks the anniversary (in the year 1471) of the death of the great Dutch mystic Thomas a’ Kempis. Kempis was the author of the Christian devotional classic Imitation of the Christ. Here’s a prayer credited to Thomas. I offer up unto You my prayers and intercessions, for those especially who have in any matter…
Long Live Mayberry
Ask our family just about any question pertaining to the Andy Griffith show, and I’ll be embarrassed to admit how much we know. Our Andy Griffith Trivia Game is played with alacrity. We simply know way too much. We own all eight seasons and love the nuances of each. Floyd, Thelma Lou, Gomer and cousin…
A Prayer for a New Graduate
Today is like any other. The sun rises. The winds blow. Rain falls. Rain does not fall. People are born. They laugh. They cry. They dance. They die. Today “chronos” time is as it has been since You gave it beginning, and will be as it is until you bring things to an end. Today…
Praying With Jesus. Lent: Days 36-40
Matthew 6:9-13 “Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one” Some things to think about: The world is can be a scary and dangerous place. The Bible is clear about this: there are beings about intent on ruining our lives and thwarting our relationship with our Father. But Jesus here invites…
Praying With Jesus. Lent: Days 29-35
Matthew 6:9-13 “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us” Some things to think about: Here’s a startling even troubling truth: our relationship with God is conditioned on our relationship with other people. We are invited to bring our sins before Jesus. When we confess them he forgives us freely (I…
Hearing God Speak v
Does it ever seem as if God speaks in riddles? Do you ever wonder why he doesn’t just come out and write words across the sky for us? In Nine Ways God Always Speaks, we wonder too, and we speculate on God’s answer: God is so much bigger and more amazing than we can comprehend,…
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