The Super Natural Life - prayers for strength, words of wisdom, daily bible reading

Are ways we can increase our likelihood of hearing God speak? In Nine Ways God Always Speaks, I [Mark] offer the following: What’s the difference between those who hear him and those who don’t? It’s as simple as how they listen. We know what you’re thinking. “I listen, but I never hear him.” Okay, we…

In Nine Ways God Always Speaks, the book I [Mark] co-wrote with Jennifer Schuchmann, we relay a fascinating story from writer, Cecil Murphey. My brother was maybe five feet two and weighed around one hundred pounds. He was a career man in the Navy, and he worked below deck. One night my mother had a…

Here’s the introductory paragraphs to Nine Ways God Always Speaks, my [Mark’s] second book, co-written with Jennifer Schuchmann. Yes, we talk to God in prayer. Does God talk back? Some things are too good to be true: living to be 101; winning the lottery; hearing God speak.   Despite the fact that these things are…

Prayer is just half of the equation. A relationship with God, a “friendship” as I’ve been defining it, requires communication. And communication must be two-sided. We talk with God in prayer. God hears. We believe that, or at least hope. That’s why we pray. But in the communication process, does God talk back? Have you…

David is God’s friend. God is David’s friend. This intimate Psalm written three thousand of years ago outlines for us what we can expect from God in this relationship. Prayer is based on the certain facts we know about God. We’re not shooting blindly into the emptiness of heaven! We talk directly and clearly knowing…

Matthew 6:9-13 “Give us this day our daily bread” Some things to think about: Fresh bread.  Boy there’s nothing better than bread right out of the oven.  Here Jesus is inviting us to bring our specific, pressing needs before God and to ask for sustaining provision.  The image of course comes out of the Old…

David’s friendship with God was based on what he knew about God from God’s past actions. David can lay everything on the line because he knows God’s character is dependable. I remember the days of old.
       I ponder all your great works
       and think about what you have done.
I lift my hands to you in…

David is banking on his friendship with God for everything. Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning,
       for I am trusting you.
    Show me where to walk,
       for I give myself to you.
  9 Rescue me from my enemies, Lord;
       I run to you to hide me. Psalm 143:8-9 He acknowledges that every…

God invites honesty from his friends. We can be – must be – transparent. And God not only tolerates us shooting straight, he honors it. When we know where we stand with him – as intimate friends – we can bring all our pains, sorrows, troubles, desires and passions. Friendship welcomes truth. As God’s friends…

Prayer is based on an assumption; prayer assumptions are steps of faith. We believe God hears and is able and willing to respond to what we say. Prayer in its purest form assumes a relationship, and in its best form, a relationship of friendship. In the Bible friendship was not merely a relationship of affinity.…

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