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The Super Natural Life - prayers for strength, words of wisdom, daily bible reading
The Super Natural Life - prayers for strength, words of wisdom, daily bible reading
A Prayer of Augustine: A Personal Appeal
Here’s another simple and simply beautiful prayer from St. Augustine. In his role as Bishop (pastor) for the church in Hippo, North Africa, Augustine became a great defender of right doctrine and right practice of true faith. But all of his theological work grew out of personal pastoral concerns that mattered to the everyday lives…
A Prayer of Thomas a’ Kempis
The great Dutch mystic Thomas a’ Kempis was the author of the Christian devotional classic Imitation of the Christ. In this prayer credited to Thomas we see the beauty of grace. “Forgiving as we have been forgiven.” If we can get a hold of this, agree with this, and live like this, we can be…
A Prayer of Augustine: “You are My Health”
St. Augustine didn’t trust his physical body. Prior to his conversion to Christianity Augustine had lived to please and indulge his own appetites. For the rest of his life on earth he considered his “flesh” as the enemy of his soul. I believe Augustine overreacted a bit. After all, God created our bodies, and called…
A Prayer of Augustine: “You are My Health”
St. Augustine didn’t trust his physical body. Prior to his conversion to Christianity Augustine had lived to please and indulge his own appetites. For the rest of his life on earth he considered his “flesh” as the enemy of his soul. I believe Augustine overreacted a bit. After all, God created our bodies, and called…
A Prayer of Augustine: “Our Hearts are Restless”
In his spiritual autobiography, Confessions Augustine tells the story of his wandering, painful quest to find true peace. He searched in philosophy and religion, in self indulgence and in self effacement. He found peace finally only when God found him. This famous prayer of Augustine expresses well what his own life proved. I think many…
Augustine’s Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Augustine was Bishop of Hippo in North Africa in the 4th-5th century. Except for the writers of the New Testament, no one has had more influence than Augustine in establishing Christian belief and practice. This prayer to the Holy Spirit invites God to work within our will to make us desire God and to empower…
Praying With Jesus. Lent: Days 15-21
Matthew 6:9-13 “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” Some things to think about: Of course God’s will is done in heaven. But on earth? Was 9-11 “God’s will?” Is child molestation or bankruptcy or divorce “God’s will?” Though the Bible promises that God is sovereign and that…
Praying With Jesus: Lent Days 8-14
Matthew 6:9-13 “Hallowed be thy name” Some things to think about: Praise. Call him Holy. Speak the name of the Lord. What an invitation! Here prayer is to be praise… with a specific identity attached: God’s. Your name is the most personal part of your identity. When you sign your name to something you are…
Praying With the Saints: John Wesley
John Wesley’s Covenant Prayer John Wesley, along with his brother Charles founded the Methodist Movement in England in the 18th century. Wesley preached open-air sermons and followed up by encouraging his converts to join small groups for prayer, study and moral accountability. Wesley’s “Covenant Prayer” was a key element in his own spiritual discipline and…
Lent, Law and Gospel According to Johnny Cash
Mark and Jill Herringshaw
But I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die When I hear that whistle blowing, I hang my head and cry… Johnny Cash “Folsom Prison Blues” It’s Lent and I’ll be giving up Barry Manilow… for Johnny Cash. Seriously. I’ve created a “Cash” station on “Pandora” and I’m playing him, religiously. There’s…
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