The Super Natural Life - prayers for strength, words of wisdom, daily bible reading

Matthew 6:9-13 “Our Father who art in Heaven…” Let’s start this Ash Wednesday on a prayer journey. We call it “the Lord’s prayer.”  But actually, it is our prayer, taught to us by Jesus.  It is a beautiful template to guide our conversation with the almighty, eternal God.  Jesus begins the prayer with a radical…

Fat Tuesday is now swept up in the trash bins of the French Quarter. Ash Wednesday and Lent has arrived. Many followers of Jesus set aside these next 40 days leading to Holy Week as a focused time for fasting and prayer. Lent can be an opportunity to invite God to search our hearts (Psalm…

For many, Mardi Gras – “Fat Tuesday” – is an excuse for raucous indulgence, a “religious” excuse for that matter to eat and carouse and throw off restraint. Some of the tradition of this “celebration” goes back to the Christian calendar, as a “last hurrah” before Lent, the traditional season of fasting that begins on…

Fears in the night are often just plain foolish – phantoms that amount to nothing but in the darkness of the moment appear larger than life. Recently I awoke in the night and found myself groaning in fear over how my recent Facebook post may be misconstrued. I lay there agonized until I woke enough…

One month ago about 100 million of us made some form of formal New Year resolution. It’s time for a check-up. How are we doing? Any healthier? Are finances in order? Learned anything new? Any improved relationships? One month in to the year we should be seeing some movement. Of course, many – most –…

Tax preparation time… ugh! But “for the joy set before him, Jesus endured the cross…” Joy? I need to borrow this Biblical principle apply it to my taxing tax work? I know.  It’s ludicrous to compare taxes to crucifixion. Both can be agonizing, but the torment of the latter far exceeds anything imaginable. Still, I…

Can you guess how many sessions it took with my sleep psychologist before I began sleeping through the night after ten years of insomnia? One. And one follow-up visit which was spent with me holding back the urge to bow in reverence at his feet. As I’ve told you, this sleep psychologist put me on a…

During a long, dreary season of chronic insomnia, I also developed TMJ. (I was getting good at this stuff.) So when I was sleeping (which was rare), I was clenching my teeth, contributing to pain which also hampered sleep. But the TMJ ended up to be an unexpected benefit, for therein was the source of…

Stay awake – on purpose – tonight. You might get to see the aurora, the northern lights caused by the largest solar storm to hit our planet’s magnetic field in about 8 years. And, there might be other benefits as well… Read on… It’s hard to believe now, but not long ago insomnia was my…

Do you wish you could just upload yourself to “The Cloud” for a night of restful sleep? Oh, if it could be that easy! I (Jill) was tired for ten long years. All the time for all that time. I recall sitting on the front step of our home with our youngest son. He was about…

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