I wrote two posts for Motherlode, the parenting blog of the New York Times, in September. One discussed my decision to decline prenatal tests during my third pregnancy, in spite of the higher likelihood of Down syndrome. The second post discussed the reality of having a child with Down syndrome. Readers of Motherlode responded in…

Before I offer favorites from July of 2010, I have to mention that today is Penny’s 5th birthday! I will be writing more about this day next week. For now, Happy Birthday Penny! Two posts of note from July: “Diagnosing Down Syndrome,” a post about what doctors should say when they are delivering a diagnosis…

Although I recommend reading all the entries in the Perfectly Human series, and it was nearly impossible to choose a “favorite” from among them, Melissa Florer-Bixler’s “Broken Bodies, Blessed Bodies” provides one beautiful reflection upon why bodies matter, and how we can come to understand the brokenness and blessedness of our bodies. 

Last May, I wrote a post–“Happy, Mom?“– that describes Penny’s concern that her parents feel happy about her behavior. It offers a glimpse of her sweetness, and of the challenges of being a parent. And of what makes us happy.

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