Our son William is a sensitive child. Lights, noises, textures. He responds immediately and intensely. So on Saturday morning, when my mother inadvertently opened a picture book that included a light and a buzzing sound, William wailed. And wailed. And wailed. He was still wailing, in my arms, when Penny came into the room. She…

Before our daughter Penny was born, and before she was diagnosed with Down syndrome, I had a picture in my head of who she would be. The picture was essentially a small version of myself–a verbally precocious child who talked early and taught herself to read and skipped kindergarten. After I heard the doctor’s words,…

I started this blog a few years ago, although I only began writing regularly last summer. The initial intentions for this space remain the same, however, and so I would like to introduce this space with the initial post from July, 2008 (with the caveat that the photo at the left is of the Caribbean,…

I am excited to announce that I have a completely new website! It includes information about my upcoming book. It also offers a Recommended Reading list, new photos, new audio clips of me reading from Penelope Ayers, and a new “About” section. Check it out at www.amyjuliabecker.com. I’d love to know what you think!

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