I’ve written one final (at least for now) response in this conversation about disability and medical intervention. If you’re just joining the conversation, this post is in response to Ellen Painter Dollar’s piece, “I Want to Be Accepted As I Am, But I’ll Take a Cure Too,” which was written in response to my article,…

I have a post with some thoughts on Christian arguments for and against gay marriage on The Park Forum: “Same Sex Marriage and Love.” Also, a number of people have asked me about receiving these blog posts via email. To do so, simply scroll down until the column to the right of this post says…

As some regular readers of this blog already know, I have been following the blogosphere’s treatment of recent research that indicates a possible way to increase the cognitive ability of individuals with Down syndrome. In response, I have a new article on the website of Christianity Today, titled “Considering ‘Curing’ Down Syndrome with Caution.” An…

I’ve been practicing yoga for going on seven years now. Approximately once a week, I spend an hour in a room with a dozen other people, saluting the sun, breathing deeply, and contorting my body into poses that both energize and relax me, all at the same time. There are three main aspects to yoga,…

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