Brian has a warning for Mark Driscoll and other expanding evangelical ministries: Thanks for this post. This is depressing news. I don’t mean any disrespect to these folks personally. I know they can be very kind, good people in person. So I will offer my critique in the form of their teachings. I think the…

Mark Driscoll watchdog, Bob Hyatt, has some concerns about a possible Mars Hill franchise coming to Portland. Please understand- If you want to listen to Mark’s podcast/watch his vodcast, I think you should go for it- I subscribe to his podcast for crying out loud. But where we’re going with this is eventually a Mark…

Under Original Sin: Paul, Romans 5, and the Heart of the Issue, Brian provides with a helpful primer to the various views of interpreting Romans: Romans is important to the conversation about the doctrine of “Original Sin” for several reasons. First, many other people have brought it up in their comments. Second, Augustine (the person…

Rick takes a break from telling us how the music that we love (read, Coldplay) actually sucks 🙂 to round up many of the new hyphen-mergent groups: Relevemergent the fine line between Relevant magazine, cool churches with smoke machines, killer bands and hot java, but little theology and the Emerging church conversation. These guys like…

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