The New Christians

Rod, it was great to meet you and sit on your front porch drinking coffee.  Actually, it was even more wonderful to meet Julie and the kids, your chickens, and your incapacitated dog.  I appreciated reading your story, and I’ll comment more on that on Monday. Over the next couple weeks, I know we’ll get…

Dear New Christians Readers, Last week we implemented a small change to our blog commenting system – you now have to confirm that you are  a real person, and not a spammer, by typing in a few characters of text upon submitting your comments. This change was necessary in order to curtail the amount of…

I met Rod yesterday, and we had a great time sitting on his porch, drinking coffee.  I can say, with all candor, that I thoroughly enjoyed his company and now consider him a friend.  I’m working on a post today which I hope to post later today.  In the meantime, let me encourage you to…

Rod, as I mentioned to you in an email, I thought it might be interesting to start our same sex marriage blogalogue by telling a bit of our stories — about how we came to our respective positions on the issue.  So, here’s my story.  I’m looking forward to meeting you at lunch tomorrow. I…

Same sex marriage is an emotional issue to begin with, and the stakes have been significantly upped by the passage of Prop 8.  So I have no doubt that my blogalogue with Rod (which I intend to start tomorrow, on the eve of our lunch in Dallas) will provoke strong reactions in the comment section…

I imagine that I’ve got a smattering of new readers now that I’ve moved to Bnet, so let me reiterate my blogging rules, which I first iterated at and then at 1) I do not edit my posts, ex post facto, but allow my mistakes, misjudgments, and misstatements to stand as a record…

My soon-to-be-blogalogue partner, Rod Dreher, has today questioned Barack Obama’s profession of Christian faith based on a snippet of a 2004 interview in which BO refers to Jesus as a “bridge between God and man.”  Of course, BO is not a trained theologian, so we might wish he would have chosen words that more precisely…

If you don’t know it, getting “dooced,” means getting fired for blogging something that your employer finds odious.  It’s a term coined by Heather Armstrong, who now blogs full time at  Today, Scot McKnight blogs an email from a pastor who faces persecution because his vote for BO has become known to his congregation. …

One question I’ve been asked repeatedly is whether the issue of same sex marriage is inevitably shifting toward cultural acceptance.  Yes, it is. As Kevin Drum pointed out last May in Washington Monthly, the American populace is shifting on same sex issues at the rate of one percent per year (full PDF of the report…

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