The New Christians

I’m diving back into the blogosphere after a needed break (ever feel overwhelmed when you open your Google Reader after a few days away and see that Andrew Sullivan has written 343 posts?!?). I’m at the Cornerstone Festival, a legendary Christian music festival put on by the Jesus People USA church. Assuming I can find…

I tried to jump back into the social media world this week, but I just couldn’t muster up anything interesting to write.  Life has been busy: I spent the entire last week with my kids — one of the greatest weeks of my life; JoPa is active — we’ve signed our first contract with others…

Next week, I’m speaking at the legendary Cornerstone Festival. I’ve never been. Have you?  What are your tips and hacks for my time at Cornerstone?

This summer’s conference for the Center for Biblical Equality will take place in St. Louis, July 24-26. And, scholarships are available for students. This year’s conference will address the formation of gender roles. Questions to be considered include: Are gender differences God-given, shaped by culture, or biologically determined? Do gender differences determine roles in church,…

I’m in the woods of Wisconsin this week, speaking at a church camp for high school students. Plus, I haven’t got much to say. So I’m gonna recharge my blogging batteries and dive back in next week. Hope to see you then…


Rome Photo courtesy of Wikicommons

The Biceps Curl (that’s not me) 🙂

The Brothers Karamozov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

…are profiled in a MinnPost story today.

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