Welcome to our Saturday “Live from Treeleaf” Zazen, We start with 3 floor prostrations (or deep Gassho), then chant the Heart Sutra in ENGLISH, then sit about 40 minutes of Zazen, then 10 minutes of Kinhin, closing with the chant of the “Verse of Atonement” and “Four Vows”. Please join in, one and all. Gassho,…

What is “suffering” from a Buddhist perspective? (Next time, we’ll look at how perceiving “emptiness” is a cure) A/vo/lo/ki/tes/va/ra/ Bo/dhi/satt/va/, A/wa/kened/ One/ of/ Com/pas/sion/, In/ Praj/na/ Pa/ra/mi/ta/, the/Deep/ Prac/tice/ of/ Per/fect/ Wis/dom/ Per/ceived/ the/ emp/ti/ness/ of /all /five /con/di/tions/,And/ was/ free/ of/ suf/fer/ing/O/ Sha/ri/pu/tra/, form/ is/ no/ o/ther/ than/ emp/ti/ness/, Emp/ti/ness/ no/ o/ther/ than/ form/;…

The 5 Conditions (or Skandhas, or Aggregates) create our false sense of a permanent, substantial “self”: Form (Rupa) – The aggregate of form corresponds to what we would call material or physical factors. It includes the material objects that surround us in the world. This also includes our physical bodies and the five physical sense…

In 1990, Carl Sagan persuaded NASA to use the Voyager 1 spacecraft to take a photograph of the planet Earth from a distance of 4 billion miles. The result was simply arresting: a portrait of our home as a tiny, fragile speck of blue adrift in an unimaginably vast sea of space. In a commencement…

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