TODAY (AND TOMORROW) … THE PROMISED TALKS ON THIS VERY IMPORTANT SUBJECT … The Heart Sutra’s talk of “Ignorance”, “Old Age” & “Death”, the human senses and consciousness, alludes to the Buddha’s explanation of the ‘Twelve-fold Chain of Cause & Effect’ (often called the ‘Twelve-fold Chain of Dependent Origination’ or ‘Twelve Causes’) … It describes…

UPDATE: Because of the Ustream system being down, I will repost a prior sitting … Welcome to our Saturday “Live from Treeleaf” Zazen, We start with 3 floor prostrations (or deep Gassho), then chant the Heart Sutra in ENGLISH, then sit about 40 minutes of Zazen, then 10 minutes of Kinhin, closing with the chant…

Is Zen a ‘religion’? A ‘philosophy’? Something quite else? I don’t think about these questions much in my life. I just live life. Does ‘God’ exist? Not exist? Whose ‘God’? I don’t think about these questions much in my life. I just live life. Is there ‘Life-after-Death’? ‘Reincarnation’? ‘Nothing’? I don’t think about these questions…

IGNORANCE IS BLISS No/ ig/no/rance/, no/ end/ to/ ig/no/rance/;No/ old/ age/ and/ death/,No/ ces/sa/tion/ of/ old/ age/ and/ death/;No/ suf/fer/ing/, nor/ cause/ or/ end/ to/ suf/fer/ing/ Press on arrow for ‘play’NOTE: IF YOU ARE HAVING TROUBLE TO SEE THE SCREEN OR START BUTTON,PLEASE UPDATE FLASH. SEE HERE

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