( Dogen’s Instructions for the Cook – XV)
Uchiyama Roshi translates this section in a very nice way …
Harmonizing andpurifying yourself in this manner, do not lose either the one eye [oftranscendent wisdom] or the two eyes [of discriminating consciousness]. Liftinga single piece of vegetable, make [yourself into] a six-foot body [i.e. abuddha] and ask that six-foot body to prepare a single piece of vegetable.Those are [the cook's] spiritual penetrations and magical transformations, hisbuddha-work and benefiting of living beings.
Having prepared[everything] so that the preparations are finished, and cooked [everything] sothat the cooking is done, look to "that side" and put things away on"this side". ** When the drum sounds or the bell rings, join theassembly [of monks in training] and attend the convocation [to hear the abbot'steachings]. "Morning and evening, seek and attend", without beingremiss even once.
** [NOTE: A double-entendre. On the literal level, the meaning is simply that the cook should look all around and put things away where they belong. Figuratively, he is advised to look "there" (nahen -- the realm of the highest truth), while putting things to rest "here" (shahen -- the wordly realm)].
From: Tenzo Kyokun - Instructions for the Cook by Eihei Dogen - Translated by Griffith Foulk