(there is no video today … )

Well, I just had the pleasure of visiting a Meditation Hall with 1,300 members, from all Buddhist traditions … some of whom are pirates, golden fairies, meditating dogs, flying dragons and …. the imagination is the only limit! It is called “Kannonji”, and is located in that weird wonderful and wild realm known as Second Life!

I will have the honor of giving a talk there, and leading Zazen  “LIVE” (?!?!) on Saturday, Nov. 14 @ 5 PM SLT (PDT … Pacific Daylight Time).
Click Here to visit Kannonji in Second Life
(although requires viewer software install)

Today, Adam (or “Caspian”, as he is know there), one of the founders of Kannonji, showed me the ropes (actually, he showed me such basic stuff as how not to walk into walls, how to put on clothes and sit down! All important skills in any life). He also was kind enough to buy me some Soto Zen robes to wear (perhaps a little fancy for my taste … but lovely nonetheless. He helped me purchase a body which, I must say, has 6-pack abs under all those robes! I guess that is why they call “Second Life” a fantasy world!!)
Here is my avatar … 

second life jundo.jpg

Anyway, I hope you can make it to Kannonji … but if not, I may be able to post a recording of the talk here.

Here is a video tour of Kannonji  … it looks like something out of the Lotus Sutra …

I am new to “Second Life” … so new, that my big achievement this weekwill be to try to move my avatar withoutfalling down the stairs. I have no judgment about the experience yetbased on my short few hours there, but the community seems very welcoming … and it is a fascinating lesson in how we create a world from the mind.

I will say that my talk next week (not to give the drama away :blush: ) will probably be something along the lines of “SecondLife is magical and wondrous and fantastic … but so is First Lifewhen we learn to see it as such … and also please drop into “No Life”(“No Death” either) … because that’s where the real action is“. :PP:

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