In the hospital for a little touch of pneumonia ,,, for a few days, doctor says.

So, please sit around the bed with me today.

When one coughs, just cough … that too is Zazen.
Wheeze wheeze is Buddha’s Teaching.

And isn’t it wonderful to have a Sangha where all can sit together when one of us is in bed sick? (I received notes from a couple of folks who sit with our Sangha all the time in bed due to health) 

(A silent sitting today, and no bell, so please turn the sound down,as the air machine next to the bed is a bit noisy … )

…… oh, and we’ll not be able to have a Saturday Zazenkai this week (I will post an older recording) … but please know we will be sitting together anyway … as always …


And to say again … after a lovely year here at, our daily “Sit-a-long with Jundo” Zazen netcasts will be moving home on January 1st to SHAMBHALA SUNSPACE, the webpage of the Shambhala Sun and Buddhadharma magazines, where we will be a daily featured Buddhist blog … sitting there just as we do here. !


(remember: recording ends soon after the beginning bells;
a sitting time of 20 to 35 minutes is recommended)

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