When Chelsea Clinton and Marc Mezvinksy married, I wrote about the religious choices they would have to make.

Chelseas Wedding

Those choices come into sharper focus now that they are the parents of a beautiful daughter, Charlotte. Those choices are not clear-cut or absolute.

Having worked with hundreds of interfaith couples, I can say for certain that the only right choice is the one that is right for you.

To claim children will be “psychologically confused” with two religious traditions or “have to choose between mom and dad” if they are exposed to two religions has no evidence to support it.

What we do know, however, is that having no faith or religious practice in the home leaves children bereft of the richness and wisdom of our faith traditions.

With shared hopes and dreams in mind, I offer this prayer for Charlotte and her parents.

God of all people,
We stand in awe before mystery of life.
Bless Charlotte and her parents with wisdom and joy,
mindful of the gifts and teachings You bestow on us
May she grow to fullness of body and mind,
Becoming a blessing to her family and all who know and love her.

May she learn to laugh but never forget how to cry
May she reach into the future,
But never lose touch with the past.
May her eyes be filled with the light of your teachings
Sharing and living your word every day.

We believe our lives our lives are immersed in mystery,
And that we belong to one another.
We believe that Your Presence is with us
as we gather to celebrate new life and hope.
Aware of mystery and wonder, caught in friendship and laughter,
we become speechless before the joy in our hearts as we celebrate the sacredness of life.


Get More Interfaith Prayers and Blessings Here

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