Shawn McComber, who watched the New Hampshire primary hijinks for the American Spectator, goes to see the Passion

As show time crept closer, some surprisingly un-Christian behavior began. A teenage couple in matching “Jesus: The Choice of a New Generation” T-shirts made out against the wall next to me without the slightest prick of self-consciousness. I gawked in spite of myself and wondered what their parents would do if they found out this was the real reason they let their kids play hooky.

There was also an awful lot of shouting near the front of the line when someone tried to cut. “It starts back there, chump!” a man shouted finally, waving his arms. When the thwarted cutter gave up and headed for the back of the line, he made sure his shoulder more than brushed into the man who called him out. So much for turning the other cheek.

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