Sort of. Mostly from the priest end. Here’s a Zenit article
John Paul II said the Church should rigorously apply canon-law sanctions against priests who commit crimes, and suggested the best guarantee for the future is “correct and balanced” priestly formation.
The key lies in the priests living “with joy and generosity the style of a humble, modest and chaste life which is the practical foundation of ecclesiastical celibacy,” the Pope said today when greeting participants of the plenary assembly of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
In his address, the Holy Father said he was saddened by the “noteworthy increase” in the last two years of the number of disciplinary cases that the Vatican congregation had to address given the “crimes against customs” (“delicta contra mores”) attributed to priests.
Victims groups, however, have accused the church hierarchy of favoring the protection of priests over their victims, criticizing in particular the secret Vatican tribunals where accused priests are judged.
But John Paul said current church law, if applied fairly, guarantees the accused’s right to a proper defense, “as well as the needs of the common good.”