In Slate, Will Saletan says that abortion-rights advocates need to face reality

Each time pro-lifers have tried in recent years to treat the embryo or fetus as a person in one context or another, pro-choicers have responded by treating the fetus as a nonentity. When pro-lifers sought to ban human cloning, pro-choicers offered a counterproposal that would require the destruction of every cloned embryo—which they referred to only as “an unfertilized blastocyst” and “the product of nuclear transplantation”—within two weeks of its creation. When pro-lifers sought to make fetuses eligible for the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, pro-choicers offered a counterproposal to expand the program’s eligibility guidelines “as if any reference to targeted low-income children were a reference to targeted low-income pregnant women.” The pro-choice alternative made no reference to the gestated entity until it was “born.”

It’s a strategy of denial. And this week, it ran into too much reality.

On the Senate floor, Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kansas, displayed a devastating series of pictures of murdered women accompanied by the viable fetuses who died with them. “The question is simple,” Brownback told his colleagues. “Do we have one victim or two involved in violent crimes such as these?” In one case, Brownback pleaded, “Look at this photo again of Christina and Ashley in the coffin. Is there one victim? Or are there two?” In another case, Brownback noted that the woman survived, but the fetus died. “Any congressman who votes for the ‘one-victim’ amendment is really saying that nobody died that night,” said Brownback, referring to the Feinstein alternative. “And that is a lie.”

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