Legal and not

(from a few weeks ago, but just ran across it via Godspy)

(Context: murder of police officer by an illegal immigrant)

Americans have a right to secure borders, especially in a time of anti-American violence. We have a right to reasonably regulate our immigration policies. We have a right to exclude criminals and protect the health of our public institutions and services. We have a right to verify foreign visitors and guest workers, and to expect their compliance with the law.

But we can’t have it both ways. The vast majority of undocumented Hispanic immigrants in the United States never commit a violent act, have no desire to undermine the common good and contribute vitally to American prosperity. Thousands of farmers and businessmen rely on their services. The life many of us enjoy depends, in part, on the labor of "illegals." Taking advantage of their work, and then blaming them for being here, is a uniquely unworthy form of hypocrisy.

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