If you go look at the Amazon list of best-selling books under the Catholicism category, you’ll find, at this moment (8:55 central), that A Woman Rides a Beast by Dave Hunt holds the #17 spot.


I’m thinking that even thought the book is *about* Catholicism, sure, the fact that it’s a virulent, anti-Catholic screed by a guy who makes his living being anti-Catholic would disqualify it for inclusion under the "Catholicism" category alongside books by Cardinal Ratzinger and other people you might know.

(And I’m wondering where its sales boost has come from. I’ve not seen it there before)

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion isn’t listed under "Judaism." It’s buried in "Philosophy – General."

Okay, then. I filled in my complaint on the book’s description page. Next?

Oh, and while you’re there…Don’t forget!

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