There’s an interview with David Scott up over at Godspy. Many good points, including this one: Reading your book, the beauty and richness of the faith comes across clearly. But in the daily experience of many Catholics, the experience of the Church, especially in her liturgical life, is empty and formal. What do you say…

In the Orlando diocese, a priest is dismissed for stealing 10,000 from the collection… It was discovered the Rev. Marek Maczynski had taken the money from church donations, and church officials reported the missing money to the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office in early August, Brinati said. Bishop Thomas Wenski at the chancery office in Orlando…

Justin Torres reflects on his family’s ordeal: And finally, there was my brother. My baby brother, four years younger but taller, stronger, big enough to lift me off the floor and squeeze me until I puke, which he’s done once or twice. You never really know a person until you see them when the chips…

…In case you’re wondering, the USCCB is in the process of preparing a DVD on the Divinity of Christ to be released and distributed next spring in anticipation of The da Vinci Code movie. It’s my understanding that they’ll be using academics for face time and not mere popularizers. Harrumph. Well, at least the work…

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