Scroll down the last two paragraphs At the Labour Party conference where Mrs Blair toured stands yesterday, she posed for pictures holding a condom and cut a 75th anniversary cake for the Family Planning Association. A spokesman for the association said that Mrs Blair, who has four children, had remarked previously "that she was not…

A bishop puts out the call Bishop Saltarelli believes in the power of prayer. During the month of October–which is Respect Life Month–he is asking Catholics in his diocese to pray for a conversion of all politicians, statesmen, and lawyers to an respect for life. He has composed a Litany to St. Thomas More, which…

A bishop puts out the call Bishop Saltarelli believes in the power of prayer. During the month of October–which is Respect Life Month–he is asking Catholics in his diocese to pray for a conversion of all politicians, statesmen, and lawyers to an respect for life. He has composed a Litany to St. Thomas More, which…

Wisconsin moves to ban human cloning The Wisconsin State Senate made final passage of a comprehensive human cloning ban almost certain last night by defeating a “clone to kill” amendment that would have gutted the measure. Assembly Bill 499, authored by Representative Steve Kestell (R-Elkhart Lake) and Senator Joe Leibham (R-Sheboygan), would ban both “reproductive…

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