They’re starting to mount up again, a sign of rising interest. After a lull of a year or so, I’m beginning to get mail like this every day now, this one from someone named Damien Gold.

Da Vinci was not alive to witness the last supper and therefore the drawing can only be his interpretation of what happened at the last supper. Nobody’s faith should shake because of frivolous suggestions by people who want to poke holes in anothers’ beliefs.

Besides, maybe the question is, if your faith is so easily shaken, no matter what the proof, then is it true faith? After all, isnt the basis of faith intangible? So why should tangible matter make any point or make a mark on anothers’ faith. whatever the contantion of the masses, nobody but God Alimighty knows the truth about Jesus Christ, so rather than try and defend the religion, let God work this one out. No one else is going to do a better job.

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