A documentary on a sexually abusive cleric debuts in LA:

Former Roman Catholic priest Oliver O’Grady, convicted in 1993 on four counts of lewd and lascivious acts on minors, granted filmmaker Amy Berg unlimited access.

During the film, O’Grady details how he preyed on children, how the Diocese of Stockton, California, knew about the abuse, and how O’Grady claims church officials allowed him to abuse children for two decades by moving him from parish to parish instead of removing him from ministry


In a statement, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles called "Deliver Us From Evil" an "obvious anti-Church hit piece."

Articles from LA Catholic Mission on O’Grady’s case.

An LA Times article from last year about O’Grady’s 15-hour taped deposition.

The Bishop Accountability Page on O’Grady

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