Reader Mary Gibson writes that she’s been asked to give a talk about the relics in her diocesan cathedral’s altars, but has a problem:
Problem is, I’ve begun trying to do research on the identities of the various saints on the list they gave me, and it seems that the majority of them must be early Roman martyrs, and the majority of those have absolutely NO listings online. Even Google is worthless here.I am sure there is a huge official index of sorts out there somewhere, a "martyrology" I think it’s called, but it’s not in my reach and even if it was it’s probably in Latin… Can you see if any of your blog readers can help me, perhaps one of them has access to something like this?The saints’ names that I can find NO information on are:St. SalvataSt. ClementiaSt. PurpuratusSt. MedestoSt. CastaThen, these are the saints that I have found some info on, although any additional info would be nice:
St. VerecundusSt. DiodorusSt. Victoria (I am not sure which one – there seem to be many of them!)St. TheophilaSt. BlandinaI’m basically just throwing the net out to see what I can get… any help by you or the blog readers would be swell! 🙂 They can either comment on the blog, or e-mail me directly at marygibson81(at)
Well, since I’ve got comments closed right now, you historians get busy and help Mary out by email!