Mark Brumley takes on the accusation by one of the writers at the First Things blog, that Benedict’s words imply moral equivalency between Hezbollah and Israel: In any case, Professor Miller concludes with a different point: that following the pope’s appeal will amount to giving Hezbollah what it wants. He bases his judgment on comments…

But one more Madonna note: Mario Scialoja, head of Italy’s Muslim League, concurs: "Her idea is in the worst taste, and she’d do better to go home." Riccardo Pacifici, vice president of the Roman Jewish community, agrees she should have snuffed the inflammatory routine. Word is NBC urged her to cut the crucifixion from her…

A book that’s being published this fall and has already found a bit of press is Double-Crossed: Uncovering the Catholic Church’s Betrayal of American Nuns by Kenneth Briggs. I reviewed it here back in May – I basically found the book’s "argument" flawed and deceptive. Oh, the first third, which reached further back into history,…

Jonathan Last on Oliver Stone’s new film: That Stone was able to make a steady, emotionally fulfilling movie from this amazing source material should come as little surprise to those familiar with his work. But what is surprising–astonishing, even–is that Stone has made a full-blown Jesus movie. World Trade Center is filled with Christianity. Karnes…

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